Yesterday a threatening anonymous email was sent to Patchogue officials and LGBTQ Community members. For those who are not already aware, the LGBT Network is partnering with Patchogue Village for Pride Month and the June “Alive After Five” event will carry a LGBTQ theme. The e-mail, rife with homophobic language, threatens cryptic "trouble", or "even a lawsuit" for organizers and participants of The Patchogue Chamber of Commerce Alive After Five event. The author of the letter, which was signed "DISGUSTED Residents", states that "it is with great surprise and disgust that we read of plans to use the "Alive at Five" event in Patchogue as a platform for yet another barrage of homosexual perversion and filth".
The hate mail was in direct response to an article posted by the Long Island Advance which announced the Alive After Five LGBT Pride event. A copy of the article can be found here.
Following last weeks buzz about a local bar posting racist and homophobic posts and comments on social media, this letter and its message have certainly grabbed the community's attention. These acts of hate remind us that people in our community face discrimination daily and highlight some of the ignorance and difficulties the LGBT community faces. Some community members have organized protests, contacted officials, and posted messages of support across social media to stand in solidarity with the Patchogue LGBT community after these incidents.
The Patchogue Alive After Five LBGTQ themed festival will be held on Thursday, June 27th. As of yesterday, officials say there are no plans to cancel the event or change the event themes.
Below you can also watch New 12's coverage of the story.