A talented cast and crew drew a full house during performances of Ken Ludwig’s “Moon Over Buffalo,” held in the high school auditorium on Nov. 2-3.
Under the direction of Susan Hartmann and producer Barbara Gallagher, the eight-member cast amused the audience with this memorable tale about fading 1950s stars George and Charlotte Hay, (Henry Chillogallo and Erin Kelly), who may have one more shot at stardom. Frank Capra is coming to town to see their matinee, and if he deems the Hays talented, he could cast them in his movie remake of “The Scarlet Pimpernel.” Unfortunately, everything that could go wrong does go wrong, including a visit from their daughter’s clueless fiancé and uncertainty about the play they are performing.
The cast also included Alexa Ferrara (Rosalind), Aiden Gaynor (Paul), Shaun Laurinaitis (Howard), Michael Marziliano (Richard), Maya McCullough (Ethel) and AutumnMargaret Walthers (Eileen). The success of the performances was also attributed to the 14-member crew, stage manager Alliandra Khillawan, Suzette Fandale on costumes, Alex Erwin and Hannah Tapler on props, Jim Uzzi on sound and Vivienne Love and Kieran Sawyer on lighting. Fandale and Barbara Gallagher were also responsible for the stellar set construction and design.
The South Country Central School District congratulates the student-thespians on their outstanding performances.
(courtesy of South Country Central School District)