Brookhaven Town Awarded $988,401 in NY State Grants for Environmental Projects

Brookhaven Town Awarded $988,401 in NY State Grants for Environmental Projects Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine announced today that the Town of Brookhaven will receive $988,401 in New York State Regional Economic Development Council Awards for three projects to improve the environment.  The grants were announced by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
  • Brookhaven will receive $375,000 to remove abandoned homes and antiquated infrastructure from tidal wetlands in Mastic Beach to re-establish wetland systems and natural floodplains in the area, which is vulnerable to sea level rise and coastal storms.
  • Brookhaven Town will receive $313,401 to construct a permeable reactive barrier at the Davis Park Marina on Fire Island to remove nitrogen from the groundwater before it enters surface waters. The project will reduce nitrogen entering Long Island coastal waters, which can lead to eutrophication, hypoxia, marine harmful algal blooms and marine life mortality.
  • Brookhaven Town also received a $300,000 grant to purchase a vacuum truck to be used as part of its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. Use of the truck will improve water quality by removing sediment and other pollutants that would otherwise enter waterbodies via the storm sewer system.
Supervisor Romaine said, “Our bays, beaches and waterways are environmentally fragile and important to our local economy. We must do everything we can to protect and preserve them for future generations. Thanks to the support of Governor Cuomo and the New York State Regional Economic Development Council, these grant awards will help us move forward on three projects that will improve water quality.” Councilman Dan Panico said, “I have been working closely with our Law Department to clean up abandoned houses throughout Mastic Beach and this grant will go a long way to continue that effort. This is a win-win for the residents and the environment.” Councilman Neil Foley said, “Davis Park is one of Brookhaven Town’s busiest summer destinations and we must do whatever we can to protect it. This grant will help maintain the environmental integrity of the barrier island and assure that it will be enjoyed by future generations for many years to come.” Brookhaven Highway Department Superintendent Daniel Losquadro said, “This grant will enable us to purchase a second vacuum truck to better equip crews with the cleaning and maintenance of the massive volume of storm drains across Brookhaven Town.”
Press Release provided by Town of Brookhaven
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