Town Adopts Code Amendment to Change the Definition of Youth from 18 to 24 Years of Age

Farmingville, NY – At the December 20 Town Board Meeting, a public hearing was held to consider raising the age that the Town’s Youth Bureau recognizes “youth” from 18 to 24 years of age. The new Town Code amendment was unanimously adopted. Councilman Kevin LaValle, who spoke during the Public Hearing, explained that the change came at the request of the Town’s Youth Bureau counselors. The bureau has seen an increase of college-age students who are older than 18 requesting to participate in the services provided. Councilman LaValle said, “Recently, many college age students have requested the assistance of our Youth Bureau, but unfortunately they were aged-out of our programs. Now, they have another place to go for support and guidance in times of need.” The mission of the Brookhaven Town Youth Bureau is to support and encourage the moral, physical, mental and social well-being of youth in Brookhaven Town. They do this by providing services, programs and counseling for young people up to 24 years of age, while also monitoring and providing oversight for several youth agencies and programs that receive funding through Brookhaven Town. To learn more, call 631-451-8011 or visit
Press release provided by Town of Brookhaven
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