Councilman Loguercio Announces Success of Paper Shredding, E-Waste Drive and Drug Take Back Event
Farmingville, NY- Councilman Michael Loguercio held his first recycling event of the year at the Longwood Middle School in Middle Island on April 13. Despite the rain the event was a success that brought in well over 150 residents who participated in the paper shredding, e-waste recycling and drug take back with the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department. This year the Town collected the following amounts:
Electronic waste: 5,532 lbs.
Drug take back: 7 boxes
Paper Shredding: 7,520 lbs.
“This is an event that I am very proud to host. A day like this affords our residents the opportunity to shred paper, properly recycle electronic waste and responsibly give unused and expired medications to the Suffolk Sheriff’s Department. I can’t thank our Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management enough for their hard work with these events in making sure that items are disposed of safely and securely, protecting our environment.”
For more information on how to safely dispose of unused medications, please contact Councilman Loguercio’s office at 631-451-6968 or the Suffolk County Sheriff’s office at 631-852-3436. To learn more about the Town’s recycling efforts, visit