Supervisor Ed Romaine has announced that his “Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Initiative” continues to show impressive results by reducing the Town’s CO2e emissions by 33% in 2018 as compared to the baseline year of 2005. The term CO2e refers to “carbon dioxide equivalents.” It is a measure of the global warming potential given by a particular greenhouse gas as a function of the amount or concentration of carbon dioxide gas. The figures are for fossil fuel derived carbon emissions that are within the Town’s control from Town operations. The evaluation follows Local Government Operations Protocol (LGOP) for emission inventories. Staff from the Town’s Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management (RSMM) use a tool available through the EPA called the Local GHG Inventory Tool: Government Operation Module. This tool takes energy use data and transforms it using built-in emission factors. The output is the standard tons of CO2e or tons of carbon emission equivalents. The raw energy use data comes from PSEG, National Grid, and home heating oil bills, along with totals of gasoline and diesel used by the Town’s fleet.
Pictured above is one of the Town’s electric vehicles at a charging station in Heritage Park in Mount Sinai. The Town also installed charging stations at the Moriches Bay Recreation Center and the Parks Administration Building in Centereach.
The solar array at the Town’s Holtsville Ecology site is pictured above. Solar arrays are also located at the Manorville Compost facility and Town Hall, with another under construction at Brookhaven Calabro Airport and one planned for the amphitheater parking lot in Farmingville.
Supervisor Romaine said, “I am very pleased with the findings in this report. The results put the Town right on track to reach my goal and I thank all Town employees who are doing the big and little things that conserve energy and reduce our carbon footprint. I ask all the residents of Brookhaven Town to do their part as well. Together, we can make a difference and leave our future generations with a better place to live.”
Councilman Neil Foley, Town Board Liaison to the Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management said, “The Supervisor’s track record has put the Town in a position to lead the way on green energy issues for years to come. I am very proud to be part of his team and to have the opportunity to make such a positive impact on the environment that we will leave here for our children.”
In comparing 2018 to 2005 (baseline), the report indicated:
Annual electric consumption down 2,392,298 KWh. CO2e reduction = 7,396.55 tons.
Annual gasoline consumption down 122,077 gallons. CO2e reduction = 1,413.55 tons.
A breakdown of the Town’s 2018 carbon emissions by source:
Street Lighting 36%
Vehicle Emissions 28%
Other Town Buildings 22%
Town Hall 12%
Traffic Signals 2%
As streetlights throughout the Town continue to be converted to energy efficient LED lighting, the projected Town-wide reduction of the Town’s CO2 Emissions will be up to 35% by the end of 2019.
At a recent Town Board Work Session, staff from the Town’s Department of Planning and Environment and Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management presented an update on Supervisor Romaine’s Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Initiative. The Supervisor announced in 2015 that the Town was committed to a 50% reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from its operations by 2020 to become a sustainable, self-reliant, environmentally pro-active community. This will help combat climate change, reduce vulnerability to fluctuating fuel prices and supply and prepare for future economic challenges. The Supervisor’s program incorporates new technology and industry practices and responds to 21st century challenges for communities to become more energy independent by combating climate change, reducing vulnerability to fluctuating fuel prices and preparing for future economic challenges.
For more information about Supervisor Romaine’s “Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Initiative,” visit the Town of Brookhaven website at
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